
Is Counseling Right for Me

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Counseling (sometimes called psychotherapy or talk therapy) is an intervention to help people who are experiencing emotional or behavior problems, or people who have a mental health disorder.  Counseling can help improve their mental well-being and engage interpersonal relationships in a way that facilitate the process of change. In most kinds of counseling, the person […]

Communication in Marriage

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Marital communication (and any two-way communication) is a process. What I have found in counseling couples is that it’s not that couples don’t communicate, but they don’t listen. It is not enough to tell people to communicate when they don’t know how to listen. Miscommunication can occur at any or at all parts of the […]

Choosing a Christian Counselor


When you as a Christian realize that you or someone you love is in need of counseling, there are several issues that need to be addressed. First is the stigma that seeking professional help may bring. In certain Christian circles, professional help is viewed in a negative light, even when it is Christian. One has […]

Counseling with Young People from Different Cultural Backgrounds


The United States is a culturally, ethnically, and racially diverse country. Culture shapes people’s attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. Young people may find it difficult to talk to an adult from a culture or community different from their own. If you are counseling a young person with a cultural background different from your own, there can […]

Why Premarital Counseling?


Unhealthy marriages and divorces are so commonplace today that you may wonder whether a lasting marriage is even possible. Many have entered this institution without preparation to face the inevitable challenges that come with marriage. Unfortunately, according to recent statistics from wedding industry experts (a $1 billion dollar industry), more attention and money is given […]