Business And Economic Interfaces

Business Interface Subscription

The Cibunet Business Interface is designed to deploy the Mission of your Organization with Management modules that incorporate your strategy into actionable processes for the entire leadership team. Data analytics is incorporated to measure performance at all sectors and provide data-visuals that quickly inform decision making. The platform integrates your external subscriptions with Apps such as QuickBooks, Salesforce and so on into a seamless interface. Businesses and Organizations can Subscribe for a Business Interface that is loaded with – INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC RESOURCES, INTRA-NETWORK TOOLS, STRATEGIC PLANNING TOOLS, DATA ANALYTIC SYSTEMS, HR, PODUCTIVITY, MARKETING, MANAGEMENT, LIVE PRESENTATION TOOLS & more…

  • SMALL BUSINESS MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (Below 25 Employees) - $200 (Annual Subscription Save $400) - $2,000
  • MID-SIZE BUSINESS MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (Above 25 Employees) - $500 (Annual Subscription Save$1000) - $5,000
  • BIG-SIZE BUSINESS MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (Above 100 Employees) - $1,000 (Annual Subscription Save $1,000) - $10,000
  • ENTERPRISE-SIZE BUSINESS (Above 500 Employees) – Request Custom Quote (

Subscribe to CIBUNET and be equipped with an Economic Interface loaded with local and global Industry Resources and Business Opportunities.

Collaborate with our Analysts to incorporate your Strategic Development Goals into the Interface.

Identify and Develop core local Markets.

Establish the Framework for Funding local Initiatives and Opportunities.

Subscribe to CIBUNET and be equipped with an Economic Empowerment Interface loaded with local and global Industry Resources and Business Opportunities.

The Virtual Office Furnishes Your Members With Business Development Tools And Access To our Analysts for Fine Tuning Strategic Goals and Tackling difficult Challenges.

Identify and Execute Programs that facilitate patronage of products and services of members.

Facilitate Framework for Funding Member Initiatives and Opportunities.

Cities, Networks, Institutions, Faith-based Communities can Subscribe for an Economic Empowerment Interface that is loaded with – INDUSTRY-SPECIFIC RESOURCES, NETWORKING TOOLS, CROWD-FUNDING SYSTEMS, LIVE PRESENTATION TOOLS & more…

  • BRONZE MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (Below 500 Members) - $60 (Annual Subscription Save $120) - $600
  • GOLD MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (Above 500 Members) - $120 (Annual Subscription Save$240) - $1,200
  • PLATINUM MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION (Above 1000 Members) - $200 (Annual Subscription Save $400) - $2,000

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