What is Cibunet?

CIBUNET is an Executive Interface and Office. The name CIBUNET is an acronym for Cities, Businesses and Networks. It was created out of the need to facilitate economic growth of people in various Communities, Chambers of Commerce, Networks and Churches across the globe. The platform is best suited for the following:

ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT SYSTEM – The system is designed to equip Entrepreneurs, Leaders and Authors with the executive tools to function in a virtual environment.

INDUSTRY INTERFACE – Segmented into twenty-four core industries, it is furnished with a very rich industry-specific database and updated daily with real-time current economic news. It facilitates industry collaboration at all levels.

BUSINESS ACCELERATOR – It is a technologically advanced cyberspace business enhancement platform that is equipped with modules for venture start-up, development and management.

What are the Benefits?

The CIBUNET System provides the User with two platforms:

1. An Industry Interface by which the User can tap into a pool of potential collaborators in any Industry for any given objective. For instance, if you need ideas on how to attain a goal, you can launch the STRATEGIZE tool to brainstorm with those involved in that industry.

2. A Virtual Office where the User is equipped with Communication, Planning, Management and Publishing tools. For instance, you can develop your enterprise goals with the STRATEGIC PLAN module and invite a Business Analyst, Management Consultant, Business Coach, Professional or Editor to also work on it.

How To Use The Industry Interface

Individuals, Businesses, Institutions and Organizations who sign up on the platform are referred to as SUBSCRIBERS. Chambers of Commerce, Business Networks, Governments and Churches which have Sub-sites on the platform are referred to NETWORKS.

All Subscribers have an Industry Interface on the menu which activates when logged in as ‘MY INTERFACE’. At the ‘MY ACCOUNT’ menu tab, Subscribers can upload their Avatar logo, Masthead and update their information, CORPORATE PROFILE, PUBLISHED RESOURCES, STRATEGIZE and SYNERGIZE CAMPAIGNS.

CORPORATE PROFILE – This is where Subscribers can publish a synopsis of their professional, enterprise, institutional or organizational goals. There are fields for MILESTONES and S.W.O.T. ANALYSIS to give other Subscribers a grasp of the current state of each Subscriber.

PUBLISHED RESOURCES – Each Subscriber can publish articles that reflect their insights of an industry, trends or provide self-help resources.

STRATEGIZE – Subscribers can seek professional advice or input from specific industries on Challenges, Initiatives, Opportunities and Funding Sources.

SYNERGIZE CAMPAIGNS – Subscribers can seek Crowd Funding Investment, Launch, Advertise or Sell Products and Services, Raise Funds for Projects, Seek Project Collaboration, Business Partners and much more.

How To Use The Virtual Office

When logged in, ‘MY OFFICE’ menu tab is activated for each Subscriber. This tab launches the Virtual Office for each Subscriber. Each office comes with a variety of Entrepreneurial, Leadership and Authorship tools for effective Communication, Planning, Management and Publishing. Subscribers can update their public name format, profile picture or logo as well as select which Networks to appear in their footer for quick access at the MY INTERFACE tab.

The Communication Tools include: ‘MY MAIL’, ‘MY CONTACTS’, ‘MY SCHEDULE’ and ‘MY CONFERENCING’.


The Publishing Tools include: ‘MY MANUSCRIPTS’ and ‘MY NOTEPAD’.



Cibunet provides the professional support services critical to entrepreneurs and leaders who are in the process of a start-up or those with functional enterprises. We provide affordable business analysis and management consultancy to businesses, institutions and non-profit organizations that aspire to attain next-level goals, growth or overcome challenges that stunt their performance.

The following are our core objectives with each client:

  • Analysis and Formulation of Corporate Concepts and Values
  • Productivity Infrastructure Assessment and Analytic Systems Development
  • Corporate Profiles, Strategic and Business Planning
  • Facilitation of Industry Collaboration, Market Development and Capitalization of Projects and Ventures
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