Covering Circle
These young mothers will be trained with skills and housed to be more productiveMission Statement
To provide a structured home wherein young mothers between the ages of 12 to 31 would find refuge to foster their child (ren), while securing their educational, vocational and housing goals. to re-integrate young mothers back into the community with jobs, housing, being valuedObjectives
to connect young mothers to different partners in the human service field where they will garner skills for vocational and educational goals. To prevent young mothers from experiencing homelessness in the inner cities: to be able to learn how to plan their monthly budgetDebbie Mitchell
: To eliminate and alleviate everyday struggles for basic needs of people.Mission Statement
: Every person deserves to be treated with respect and compassion despite of their economic standing in society.Objectives
Educate people to find the resources that are available and secure jobs and job training for themSERENITY RETREAT CENTER
Our vision is to significantly impact the world to the utilization of counseling services for the reduction of burnt out ministers.Mission Statement
Serenity Retreat Center will provide counseling services to burnt out ministers.Objectives
We provide support systems for accelerated accomplishment through extensive counseling services..mlaryea2553
To encourage those who are depressed to let them know Jesus loves them.Mission Statement
To love one anotherObjectives
to bring young adults to the LordHABITAT FOR HUMANITY
Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for
Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.
Our vision
A world where everyone has a decent place to live.
Our principles
Demonstrate the
love of Jesus Christ.
Focus on
Advocate for
affordable housing.
Promote dignity
and hope.
sustainable and transformative development.
Who we are
Habitat for Humanity partners with people in your
community, and all over the world, to help them build or improve a place they
can call home. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside
volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage. With your support, Habitat
homeowners achieve the strength, stability and independence they need to build
a better life for themselves and for their families. Through our 2020 Strategic
Plan, Habitat for Humanity will serve more people than ever before through
decent and affordable housing.
Non-proselytizing policy
Habitat for Humanity and its affiliate organizations will
not proselytize. Nor will Habitat work with entities or individuals who insist
on proselytizing as part of their work with Habitat. This means that Habitat
will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people
must adhere to or convert to a particular faith or listen and respond to
messaging designed to induce conversion to a particular faith.
The idea that became Habitat for Humanity first grew from
the fertile soil of Koinonia Farm, a community farm outside of Americus,
Georgia, founded by farmer and biblical scholar Clarence Jordan.
On the farm, Jordan and Habitat’s eventual founders
Millard and Linda Fuller developed the concept of “partnership housing.” The
concept centered on those in need of adequate shelter working side by side with
volunteers to build decent, affordable houses. The houses would be built at no
profit. New homeowners’ house payments would be combined with no-interest loans
provided by supporters and money earned by fundraising to create “The Fund for
Humanity,” which would then be used to build more homes.
Beau and Emma were the owners of the first home built by
Koinonia’s Partnership Housing Program. They and their five children moved into
a concrete-block home with a modern kitchen, indoor bathroom and heating
system, replacing the unpainted, uninsulated shack with no plumbing where they
had previously lived.
In 1973, the Fullers decided to take the Fund for
Humanity concept to Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of Congo. After three
years of hard work to launch a successful house building program there, the
Fullers then returned to the United States and called together a group of
supporters to discuss the future of their dream: Habitat for Humanity
International, founded in 1976.
The times have changed, the build site locations have grown in number, but the very real change that Beau and Emma’s family experienced is shared by families today who partner with Habitat to build or improve a place they can call home. Thanks in no small part to the personal involvement of U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn and the awareness they have raised, Habitat now works in all 50 states in the U.S. and in more than 70 countries and has helped more than 22 million people achieve strength, stability and independence through safe, decent and affordable shelter.
The international Red Cross and Red Crescent network is
the largest humanitarian network in the world with a presence and activities in
almost every country.
All Red Cross and Red Crescent activities have one
central purpose: to help those who suffer, without discrimination, whether
during conflict, in response to natural or man-made disasters, or due to
conditions of chronic poverty.
There are three parts of the global Red Cross network.
Each has its own individual status and exercises no authority over the others.
Learn more below.
National societies
The National Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies - Meeting
the Needs of Vulnerable People, Wherever They May Be
These organizations are the individual societies of
nearly every independent country in the world, chartered by their respective
governments. Together, the National Societies assist some 284 million people
each year by:
relief to disaster survivors Educating the public about how to prevent the
spread of disease Helping communities prepare for emergencies, including
providing first aid training Reconnecting families separated by disasters and
conflict in coordination with the ICRC Promoting international humanitarian law
Because each society focuses on helping people within its
borders, they also take on tasks based on local needs:
The American
Red Cross provides nearly half of the nation’s blood supply. The Palestine Red
Crescent Society and Mexican Red Cross operate hospitals and ambulances. The
Norwegian and Italian Red Cross conduct search and rescue operations. The
Kenyan, Russian and Viet Nam Red Cross provide care and support to people
living with HIV/AIDS.
The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human
suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and
the generosity of donors.
Vision Statement
The American Red Cross, through its strong network of
volunteers, donors and partners, is always there in times of need. We aspire to
turn compassion into action so that...
...all people
affected by disaster across the country and around the world receive care,
shelter and hope;
...our communities are ready and prepared for disasters;
...everyone in our country has access to safe, lifesaving
blood and blood products;
...all members of our armed services and their families
find support and comfort whenever needed; and an emergency, there are always trained individuals
nearby, ready to use their Red Cross skills to save lives.
Fundamental Principles of the Global Red Cross
The Red Cross, born of a desire to bring assistance
without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors—in its
international and national capacity—to prevent and alleviate human suffering
wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to
ensure respect for the human being. It promotes mutual understanding,
friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples.
It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race,
religious beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavors to relieve the
suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give
priority to the most urgent cases of distress.
In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the
Red Cross may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in
controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.
The Red Cross is independent. The national societies,
while auxiliaries in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject
to the laws of their respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy
so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with Red Cross
Voluntary Service
The Red Cross is a voluntary relief movement not prompted
in any manner by desire for gain.
There can be only one Red Cross society in any one
country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work
throughout its territory.
The Red Cross is a worldwide institution in which all
societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in
helping each other.
Where Your Money Goes
An average of 90 cents of every dollar the American Red
Cross spends is invested in delivering care and comfort to those in need.
Everything we do depends on the needs of the people that we serve.
Our History
More Than a Century of Compassionate Service
Since our founding by Clara Barton on May 21, 1881, the
American Red Cross has been dedicated to serving people in need. We received
our first congressional charter in 1900 and to this day we are tasked by the
federal government with providing services to members of the American armed
forces and their families as well as providing disaster relief in the United
States and around the world.
Even while the Red Cross adapts to meet the changing
needs of the people we serve, we always stay true to those roots. Are you
familiar with the classic images of Red Cross nurses helping American soldiers
and civilian war victims during World War I? In fact, as you read this Red
Cross staff and volunteers are still deploying alongside America’s military.
Maybe you’ve taken a class through the Red Cross, such as first aid
certification or how to swim. Did you know we’ve been offering similar training
since the early 1900s? Have you ever given blood or received donated blood? The
Red Cross developed the first nationwide civilian blood program in the 1940s
and we still provide more than 40% of the blood products in this country.
Today, as throughout our long history, the Red Cross depends on generous contributions of time, blood, and money from the American public to support our lifesaving services and programs. We invite you to learn about our history and hope you will feel inspired to become more involved with the Red Cross.
The Salvation Army is an integral part of the Christian
Church, although distinctive in government and practice. The Army’s doctrine
follows the mainstream of Christian belief and its articles of faith emphasise
God’s saving purposes. Its objects are ‘the advancement of the Christian
religion… of education, the relief of poverty, and other charitable objects
beneficial to society or the community of mankind as a whole.’*
The movement, founded in 1865 by William Booth, has
spread from London, England, to many parts of the world.
The rapid deployment of the first Salvationists was aided
by the adoption of a quasi-military command structure in 1878 when the title,
‘The Salvation Army’, was brought into use. A similarly practical organisation
today enables resources to be equally flexible. Responding to a recurrent theme
in Christianity which sees the Church engaged in spiritual warfare, the Army
has used to advantage certain soldierly features such as uniforms, flags and
ranks to identify, inspire and regulate its endeavours.
Evangelistic and social enterprises are maintained, under
the authority of the General, by full-time officers and employees, as well as
soldiers who give service in their free time. The Army also benefits from the
support of many adherents and friends, including those who serve on advisory
Leadership in the Army is provided by commissioned
officers who are recognised ministers of religion.
All Salvationists accept a disciplined and compassionate
life of high moral standards which includes abstinence from alcohol and
tobacco. From its earliest days the Army has accorded women equal
opportunities, every rank and service being open to them and from childhood the
young are encouraged to love and serve God.
Raised to evangelise, the Army spontaneously embarked on
schemes for the social betterment of the poor. Such concerns have since
developed, wherever the Army operates, in practical, skilled and cost-effective
ways. Evolving social services meet endemic needs and specific crises worldwide.
Modern facilities and highly-trained staff are employed.
The need for modern facilities and longer-term
development is under continual review. Increasingly the Army’s policy and its
indigenous membership allow it to cooperate with international relief agencies
and governments alike.
The movement’s partnership with both private and public
philanthropy will continue to bring comfort to the needy, while the
proclamation of God’s redemptive love offers individuals and communities the
opportunity to enjoy a better life on earth and a place in Christ’s everlasting
The Salvation Army is currently led by General Brian
Peddle, who was elected as the 21st General on 3 August 2018.
When William and Catherine Booth began the work in London
that would grow to become The Salvation Army, few would have predicted their
legacy: an organisation, part of the Christian Church, now working in more than
130 countries and with a history spanning more than 150 years. Throughout this
time there have been millions of members, and people have been helped right
across the world – but this movement had humble beginnings.
Early days
Born in 1829 in Nottingham, UK, William Booth found his
Christian faith early on in life and became an active Methodist, preaching and
helping the poor in his local area. After some time working as a pawnbroker, he
moved with his wife Catherine Mumford to the east of London. The two of them
began working with a group of Christian businessmen who were concerned for the
poor and disadvantaged in their community. In June 1865, William Booth preached
to crowds outside the Blind Beggar pub; a new organisation, The Christian
Mission, was born.
Over the next few years, the movement flourished. Its
focus on teaching people about the message of Jesus in a way they could relate
to, meeting wherever they could – dance halls, bowling alleys and outdoors – as
well as addressing some of their material needs, saw many people become
Christians. Despite opposition from parts of the public who disliked some of
the Booths’ methods and style, many joined.
Their focus on those who had been rejected by the
traditional churches was key. All were welcome – including those impoverished
and disadvantaged.
A renaming
It was in 1878 that The Christian Mission got its present
name. William Booth objected to a phrase contained in that year’s annual
report: ‘The Christian Mission … is a Volunteer Army.’ By replacing the word
‘volunteer’, The Salvation Army had its new title and with it an inspired
metaphor for its role in fighting the injustices of society and in bringing
people to understand God. Over time, the organisation gained military-style
titles (ministers are ‘officers’, for example) and even uniforms designed to
publicly demonstrate a commitment to God.
Despite the differences between the Army of today and
that of 1865, the organisation continues to be relevant to people and their situations.
From weekly worship services, outdoor events, clubs and activities through to
responding to disasters and providing practical support to those in need of
help, the same spirit of putting the gospel into action as in those early days
carries on.
Today, statues of William and Catherine Booth stand in
the area of London where The Salvation Army began
Today, statues of William and Catherine Booth stand in
the area of London where The Salvation Army began
Music can be found in The Salvation Army in many forms
The Salvation Army is well-known for its music. Its bands
and choirs can be found in many countries, with numerous other creative
expressions like dance and drama springing from the movement.
Open-air music
Songs were one of the tools of The Salvation Army right
from its early days as the Christian Mission. Popular songs were rewritten with
new lyrics which explained the Christian faith and used alongside well-known
and contemporary hymns. Concertinas, tambourines and guitars were played at first,
but it was not long before a style more suited to outdoor services was found –
The first Salvation Army brass group was heard in 1878
when a Methodist preacher named Charles Fry, together with his three sons,
played instruments to support the Army in open-air meetings in Salisbury, UK.
They were soon travelling with Booth as he toured the UK, becoming a
distinctive and effective feature of the Army’s style. Bands were also formed
in areas such as Consett, Northwich, Whitechapel and Portsmouth. Over time,
many gifted composers used their skills to write new music for Salvation Army
groups to play, bringing glory to God. Today, brass groups remain an important
way of attracting crowds and telling people about him.
Staying relevant
There have been many other arts groups within the Army in
its history. Between 1963 and 1968, Captain Joy Webb led The Joystrings in
performing contemporary music, achieving chart success and capturing the
attention of millions. Throughout the second half of the 20th century,
Salvation Army officers John Gowans and John Larsson (both of whom would go on
to become General) collaborated on a series of popular musicals to share the
Gospel message, with titles including Take-over Bid, Spirit, Son of Man and The
In most Army churches and centres, music, drama and dance
play a central role in allowing people to become involved in publicly
communicating the Bible.
Music was a key part of the meetings at the Boundless
international congress (2015)
The Army starts working overseas
It is remarkable to think that William Booth was
initially unsure about whether to extend the work of The Salvation Army beyond
Britain, given how widespread the organisation is nowadays.
Early pioneers
The first such venture was in 1879, when Salvationist
Amos Shirley travelled to Philadelphia, USA with his family and began working
for the Army unofficially. Booth cautiously decided, upon learning of this, to
send a small group to New York the following year to formally commence the
Army’s work: George Scott Railton and seven others. Just as in the UK, street
preaching and practical assistance was used to great effect. By late 1880,
1,500 people had come to have a Christian faith through the relationships built
by these Salvation Army pioneers.
International expansion was quick. In the same year, the
Army extended to Australia when John Gore and Edward Saunders held meetings in
Adelaide and offered food to those who were hungry. The first meetings in Paris
were held in 1881 by Catherine Booth-Clibborn – or la Maréchale (marshal’s
wife) as she was known – eldest daughter of the Founders. 1882 saw work begin
in Canada, Switzerland and Sweden, and 1883 saw Sri Lanka, South Africa and New
Zealand added, amongst others, and on it continued.
Being part of the community
Wherever The Salvation Army has gone, it has been careful
and try and work alongside people in a culturally-appropriate way, not to
‘I say to my
officer who is going to Holland “Can you be a Dutchman?” To the man who is
going to Zululand “Can you be a Zulu?” To the one going to India “Can you be an
Indian?” If you cannot, you must not go at all.’
William Booth
When Frederick Booth-Tucker started The Salvation Army’s
activities in India in 1882 he and his group adopted Indian names, dressed as
locals and worked amongst the outcasts of society.
In each country, the Army has developed programmes that
are relevant to the local community. It has diverse expressions, whilst
remaining true to one message of God and of salvation. By the time of William
Booth’s death in 1912, the Army was working in 58 countries. Today the figure
is more than 130.
All the World, reporting on the Army’s work globally, is
published four times a year.
An Army fighting for justice
The Salvation Army opened its first Labour Exchange in
‘Soup, soap and salvation’ was a common saying amongst
early Salvationists, and is still repeated today. It sums up the idea of the
importance of offering practical as well as spiritual support. Soup kitchens and
showers were offered alongside sermons and services.
Helping society
In the 1880s, new types of social work began. In 1883 a
prison-gate home was opened in Melbourne, Australia, to provide support for
prisoners re-entering the community. The following year a women’s rescue home
was opened in London. 1885 saw the age of consent in the UK raised following a
campaign by the Army. In 1890 it opened its first labour exchange to help
people in finding work. These and other actions paved the way for the publication,
in October 1890, of William Booth’s famous work In Darkest England and the Way
This book acted as a blueprint for the Army’s efforts to
address poverty and poor quality of life on a wider scale. It described the
slum conditions, homelessness and starvation of much of Great Britain and laid
out a way of improving it. Rescue homes, skills training and co-operatives were
proposed, and donations flooded in from society’s wealthiest.
Changing lives
Help was designed to not simply be a one-off but as an
opportunity for real change. In the same year as In Darkest England, the Booths
opened a match factory in London. Its purpose was to challenge the industry use
of white phosphorous in their production, which caused necrosis (‘phossy jaw’)
and baldness in workers. The new matches, packaged in boxes labelled ‘Lights in
Darkest England’, paved the way for universal adoption of safer red
Similar projects to bring about systematic change
developed all around the world as the Army grew. The first Salvation Army
hospital was in founded in 1897 in Nagercoil, India – there are now tens of
hospitals worldwide, plus thousands of schools, health projects, sanitation
programmes and other social services. The motivation remains the same: a love
of God’s people and a desire to put our beliefs into action. Above all, the aim
is to provide a ‘hand up, not a hand-out’ – just as that proposed by In Darkest
England and the Way Out.
Young people's work organised
The Salvation Army has always worked with young people,
recognising their worth and therefore the importance of being relevant to them.
Meetings and publications
In 1888, these activities were formalised and by 1897 the
first national meetings for the age group were being held in the UK. In 1906,
publications for young people were launched. In the 1910s, scouting groups were
being created in Europe, Africa, Australasia and North America. With Scout,
Cub, Brownie and Guide groups at Salvation Army centres around the world, this
is still an important part of the organisation’s ministry.
In modern times, there are all kinds of young people’s
activities. Junior bands, choirs and drama groups rehearse hard in many Army
centres, alongside bible study and social groups. Young people also support The
Salvation Army in other ways, from fundraising to volunteering themselves.
Developing young people
Youth clubs, social services and toddler groups provide
practical support for families as well as introducing them to the Army. For
many decades it has run summer camps all over the world, not only for those who
regularly attend Army programmes throughout the year but also for those
referred by municipal services or as a result of other Army work. A programme
of sports, art and games sits alongside the development of young people’s
spiritual life. Many adults refer to the Army’s involvement in their lives at a
young age as being pivotal in their growing up.
The Army supports soldiers in the First World War
In some of the world’s most difficult and fragile
environments, The Salvation Army can be found lending a hand.
Supporting troops
In 1894, The Salvation Army Naval and Military League was
established. It aimed to serve the needs of Salvationist sailors and soldiers,
from the practical – refreshments and food parcels – to the emotional and
spiritual – being a listening ear. 1899 saw the start of the Second Boer War,
and Army services were sent to the battlefields.
It was in the First World War, lasting from 1914 to 1918,
that The Salvation Army’s role in conflicts really stepped up. Evangeline
Booth, daughter of William and Catherine and commander of the Army in the US,
created a National War Board to organise and raise funds for its efforts in
helping military personnel at US bases. Before long, she decided that Salvationists
too – aside from those serving in the regular forces – must go overseas to
support those fighting. Motor ambulances, meals and chaplaincy services were
all offered.
It was here that ‘Doughnut Girls’ first provided simple
home comforts using the limited ingredients available locally – flour, sugar,
lard and cinnamon. These proved essential in helping to combat the depression
and homesickness experienced in the trenches. By the end of the war, The
Salvation Army had earned widespread public approval and financial support for
its role in helping with the morale of troops.
Evangeline Booth’s parting words to those serving were:
‘You are going
overseas to serve Christ. You must forget yourselves, be examples of his love,
willing to endure hardship, to lay down your lives, if need be, for his sake.
In your hands you hold the honour of The Salvation Army.’
In every situation in which the Army has assisted – the
Second World War, Vietnam War, Biafran War, Gulf War, and others – even where
the methods have changed these principles have remained the same.
First election of a General
Sunbury Court near London, UK, traditional meeting place
of the High Council
In planning for the future leadership of the
organisation, William Booth had always envisaged a General choosing his or her
own successor, and so it was in this way that his son Bramwell Booth became
However, William also made provision for exceptional
cases whereby a General could be removed from office, such as through illness.
A group of senior officers, known as a High Council, could meet and discuss the
issue, electing a new leader if necessary.
The first High Council
This procedure is exactly what happened in 1929. 63
officers met in London and concluded that Bramwell was unfit for office. The
73-year old had not been present at International Headquarters for some seven
months owing to ill health, and it was felt that Commissioner Edward Higgins
was the best choice to succeed Bramwell.
Following this, senior leadership in the Army decided
that election of the General was in fact the most suitable method of choosing
the holder of this important role. 1931 saw The Salvation Army Act come into
being, meaning that the terms are office are now enshrined in UK law. All
Generals must be elected by a High Council, and there are limits on the length
of time they can hold the role.
Each General brings something different to the office of
leader. The High Council process, in which each prospective General explains
their vision for the organisation, ensures that the current feeling of the Army
– in all of the areas in which it works – is reflected. The Army has, at
different times, been led by Generals from Canada, Sweden, Finland, Australia,
the US and elsewhere.
The General is not the only provider of leadership within
the Army however. The international Army is divided up into territories and
commands, made up of one or more countries, with are subdivided into divisions
and then corps or centres. At each level leaders are given responsibility,
supporting the General in running this global organisation.
It is particularly important in such a large and diverse
organisation for good governance to be at the forefront. It is for this reason
that the Accountability Movement was formally established in 2016, calling on
each person in The Salvation Army to be ‘accountable for every aspect of our
journey through life. We are pilgrims and accountability helps us keep going in
the right direction.’
First female General
If William Booth is the father of The Salvation Army, his
wife Catherine is seen as the Army Mother. Her contribution to the organisation
was just as valuable, and was behind the Army’s views on many different issues.
In 1859, Catherine wrote a pamphlet entitled ‘Female
Ministry: Woman’s Right to Preach the Gospel’ in which she argued powerfully
for the right of women to preach the Christian message. Although she was not
the only person saying these things, it was still ground-breaking at the time,
in a world in which leadership and church ministry were usually reserved for
Evangeline Booth
The importance of the role of women in The Salvation Army
is reflected in its leadership. Evangeline Booth, previously Commander in the
US, became the first female leader, elected the fourth General in 1934 – and
other women have followed. In all areas of Salvation Army leadership – locally
and nationally – women are represented.
Today, Women’s Ministries programmes and resources are
available throughout the world aiming ‘to bring women into a knowledge of Jesus
Christ; encourage their full potential in influencing family, friends and
community; equip them for growth in personal understanding and life skills;
address issues which affect women and their families in the world.’
Our international women’s magazine Revive is published
several times a year.
Caring for older people
Just as the Army seeks to serve younger people, we
believe in the dignity of older people and consider it a privilege to offer
services to this particular age group.
Over-60s clubs
In 1959, the first over-60s clubs were inaugurated.
Building on the organisation’s previous work, these groups offered friendship
and activities to a generation often more vulnerable to loneliness,
particularly post-retirement, and are still run today.
Practical needs
Sometimes more intense support is called for, and the
Army runs a number of residential homes where practical needs are taken care
of. At lots of corps and centres, befriending schemes are run where volunteers
take the time to regularly make contact – by phone or in person – with older
people. Many describe this as incredibly rewarding. Elsewhere, home shopping
schemes and day trips are organised.
Supporting those with addiction
For those in need, The Salvation Army runs a number of
addiction rehabilitation programs. We believe in a holistic approach, not just
helping the person to overcome their addiction, but attacking the roots of that
This goes right back to the early days of the
organisation. As mentioned earlier, many churches at this time rejected those
on the fringes of society, particularly those who suffered from addiction
problems including alcohol. The Salvation Army instead sought to welcome these
people, and moreover to help them.
Members of the Army, known as soldiers, commit themselves
not to drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco or taking harmful drugs, recognising
the negative impact these things can have upon one's life. But it also serves
as a sign of solidarity with those who are also seeking to give up damaging
Around the world, the Army offers help and support for
those who are addicted. From addiction centres, support groups or just an
understanding conversation as a starting point, we want people to live life as
fully as possible.
Help with addiction is provided in a holistic fashion
(photo: SAConnects)
Help with addiction is provided in a holistic fashion
(photo: SAConnects)
Men attend a weekend away as part of their rehabilitation
process in Maine,
The Army in disasters and emergencies
Responding with compassion
Significantly in recent history, this was the case
following the tragic attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City on 11
September 2001. Within half an hour of the reports of a plane crash at the
site, the Army was present. For nine months following that day it provided
pastoral support and refreshments to those involved in rescue and recovery
efforts, and was involved in the larger rebuilding projects until 2006.
‘Incidents of
national significance morph quickly into legend. The Salvation Army will always
be noted historically for the service it provided in New York, but more
importantly, The Salvation Army will be remembered by the individual lives it
John Berglund, part of the Army’s response team on 9/11
This response is echoed in many of the world’s
consequential events: in earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, tornados,
tsunamis, winter storms and extreme heatwaves, The Salvation Army has provided
expertise and support where it is needed most.
International social justice work
The Salvation Army has worked at the United Nations since
1947, the very early days of the latter organisation. Being concerned with
matters of justice at a local level, as the Army was, it was similarly
concerned with seeking justice in matters of poverty, gender equality,
security, development and health that touched countries on an international
scale. Therefore, the opportunity to contribute as a non-governmental
organisation into the work of the UN has proved important.
The International Social Justice Commission
In 2008, General Shaw Clifton expanded this work by
establishing the International Social Justice Commission. Based a few streets
away from the headquarters of the UN itself, it is ideally located near to
influential politicians, charities and faith-based organisations and aims to
amplify the voices of the world’s oppressed.
Development work
Alongside these efforts, The Salvation Army organises and
funds many initiatives to bring about real change for communities in the most
need. A team at International Headquarters supports development work right
across the world, with many of the Army’s territories running similar services
with their own funding. From health clinics and hospitals (the first Army
hospital was in Nagercoil, India in 1897), to schools, sanitation projects and
community centres, The Salvation Army uses money generously given by the public
and other sources to make a positive difference.
150 years of The Salvation Army
From time to time in The Salvation Army’s history, it has
held International Congresses. National and Territorial Congresses are held
regularly, but these international occasions have seen the whole of the
organisation convening for special meetings.
Celebrating 150 years
Usually held in London, the 2000 Congress was arranged in
Atlanta, USA. However, 2015 saw a return to the birthplace of the Army, London,
for a highly significant anniversary: 150 years since its founding.
Whereas previous Congresses have been held over the course
of a weekend, this anniversary was marked with a five-day event in the O2, a
large London event space. Themed Boundless – The Whole World Redeeming,
reflecting William Booth’s hymn ‘O Boundless Salvation’, the name also echoes
Ephesians 3:8:
'Preach to the
nations the boundless riches of Christ!'
'Total commitment to the mission'
Boundless saw Salvationists from across the globe gather
for music concerts, exhibitions, dance and drama performances, and of course
meetings in the main arena offering reflection, prayer and worship of God. This
culminated in General André Cox’s call for Salvationists to focus on God’s
work. ‘This is boundless salvation’, he said, ‘A total surrender of our lives
and the total commitment to the mission.’
Each event of the Congress was planned, first of all, to
bring honour and glory to the Lord, but also to display the cultural diversity
of our worldwide Army.
It is astonishing to think how far the organisation has
developed in its history. From the early days of street preaching in London, it
now offers vibrant weekly worship, practical care for the disadvantaged and
services meeting all kinds of social needs. Through the vision of the Booths
and subsequent leaders, members and friends, The Salvation Army is known in so many
parts of the world, and through its work
What is your place in the story?
The 150th anniversary celebrations led naturally into a
renewed focus, from 2017, on Salvationists mobilising in their own communities,
to share the gospel and to meet human needs in an authentic and
locally-relevant way.
‘God has placed
us in a community ... We can't wait for people to come to us, we need to get
out and reach them.’
General André Cox, 2017
The next chapter
Whatever your reason for wanting to find out the story of
The Salvation Army, you will not have failed to realise that it involves the
work of many people – pioneering leaders, team players, supporters, members,
friends and those in need. Through them, lives have been transformed. The next
chapter relies on passionate people too.
The mission remains the same as in 1865 – what role will you play in the next part of The Salvation Army's history?
United Way is engaged in nearly 1,800 communities across
more than 40 countries and territories worldwide. We are focused on creating community-based
and community-led solutions that strengthen the cornerstones for a good quality
of life: education, financial stability and health.
We envision a world where every community is a strong
one, with jobs that pay a livable wage, good schools and a healthy
environment. Around the world, we engage
people and organizations in innovative solutions that are transforming that
vision into reality.
United Way improves lives by mobilizing the caring power
of communities around the world to advance the common good.
We all have a stake in what befalls our fellow man. We
all benefit when a child succeeds in school, when someone finds a job that will
help them provide for their family, or when more people are able to access
quality, affordable health care.
The solutions we create for communities around the world
go beyond short-term charity for a few.
When United Way’s support for Community Schools helps increase the
graduation rate in the Vallejo City Unified School District by 11 percent in
just three years, it’s not just the students, or even just the families of
those students who benefit. Those proud graduates now have a much better chance
of landing a job that pays a livable wage, of staying out of trouble with the
law, and of living longer, healthier lives — and that translates into a safer,
healthier and more prosperous community for everyone.
We rise or fall together. With your support, we are reaching for great new heights.