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Stephen Aja Book AdvertToo many times, many people perceive that a wide gap exists between the picture of the richness of the life painted in the scriptures and their own experiences. In terms of their marriages, health, finances, children and family, business pursuits and ministry, the wealthy place that God has prepared for them here on earth seems to be a mirage. The obstacles to achieving God’s kind of success in the life of the believer are often rooted in parental or marital ancestry. The challenges arising from generational curses affect most families except those who have had generations of righteous ancestors through Jesus Christ. This book unveils the mystery of generational curses especially in the life of the believer and sets the stage for dealing successfully with the root causes of the obstacles to fulfillment of divine destiny.

This author of ‘Understanding Family And Generational Curses’ is Stephen Aja

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2 Responses to “‘Understanding Family And Generational Curses’”

  1. Pianino Says:


    Jesli bedziesz przykladnie pracowal osiem godzin dziennie, moze ci sie kiedys uda zostac kierownikiem i pracowac dwanascie. R. Frost

  2. swalker Says:

    This book helps us to understand the reason we are often in a place of frustration based on the delays and denials we face whenever we try to move forward in our endeavors to overcome poverty. It also tells us how and what we are to do to overcome these obstacles.

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