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I am learning that despite the challenges we maybe experiencing,  we must continue to show mercy. Offer help where needed. Do not turn a blind eye to others going through.

Currently,  we are globally being affected by Covid19 and the uncertainties that comes with such a plague. The tendency,  to look out for oneself will not benefit anyone. All strata of life is affected in various ways. There are things we can do to help someone else in need.

The lesson learnt from David and his troop returning from their adventures, cannot be taken lightly.

Through an act of wickedness by the Amalekites, David was attacked by his troop, who distrusted his leadership to the point they would kill him blaming him for their desolation even though he was equally affected and wept with them until there was no more tears. David encouraged himself in The LORD, and was instructed by GOD to Pursue, Overtake and Recover all that the Amalekites stole from them.

In seeking the mindset of GOD and pursuing the enemy, they showed mercy to the Egyptian servant left behind  to die by his wicked master. GOD being in control through Divine Orchestration allowed the now revived servant to direct David and his troops to the Amalekites camp, where David and  his troop destroyed the wicked Amalekites except those few who escaped.

Mercy does trigger Recovery. I must practice obeying The leading of The Holy Spirit especially in this season with regards an Act of Mercy to experience Ancestral and Generational Recovery.

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