When you as a Christian realize that you or someone you love is in need of counseling, there are several issues that need to be addressed.
First is the stigma that seeking professional help may bring. In certain Christian circles, professional help is viewed in a negative light, even when it is Christian. One has to see these counselors as a gift from God to bring His healing presence in your life. Second is the task of finding a competent counseling professional who will truly integrate their faith into the counseling process. Unfortunately, not everyone who claims to be a “Christian counselor” operates with a personal and professional commitment to Christ-centered soul care.
In order for a believer to make a good decision about a Christian counseling professional, there are some important factors that need to be understood as well as the various options available to you. Most communities have a number of counseling resources. Churches may provide a pastoral counselor, a counseling professional who works out of the church; lay trained counselors or a particular support group. Professional counselors may be available in various settings, including private practice, clinics, government agencies, treatment centers, etc.
When choosing the most appropriate counselor for you or a family member or friend, there are a number of factors that need to be addressed:
The individual’s needs: How severe is the problem? Is it life threatening? Is the individual motivated to get help?
The individual’s resources: The person’s finances, medical insurance, time, their family and other support systems all need to be considered.
The church’s resources: Types of counseling that the church offers, what support groups they have, as well as funds to assist in paying for professional counseling.
The community’s resources: What resources are available in the community? Are there competent counselors and psychiatrists available? In addition, are there community mental health services that are accessible to this person?
There are a number of things you need to consider before choosing a counselor:
1. Which type of counselor do you think would be best? Choosing between a pastoral counselor, lay counselor or a licensed professional is a choice you must make.
2. What is the payment structure? Does the counselor accept insurance payment and is he/she accepted by your insurance? Is there a sliding scale based on ability to pay? Does your church assist people who need counseling?
3. Is there a trusted person (pastor or friend) who recommends this counselor?
4. What kind of licensure or certification does the counselor have?
5. What experience does the counselor have in dealing with your specific issue?
6. Does it matter to you if you have a male or female counselor? Is it also important for you to know some things about what this professing Christian counselor believes and how that applies to the way that he or she practices their counseling? Psalm 1 declares that “Blessed is that man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly.”
You may call the counselor’s office and ask some questions before you set up an appointment for counseling.
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