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WASHINGTON, D.C.- Today, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) released a new research report that found, in a single 24-hour period, more than 66,000 victims of domestic violence received help and support from service organizations in the United States, yet nearly 10,000 more who needed assistance could not be helped due to a lack of adequate resources. The Avon Foundation for Women provided funding for the Census report, which was released at a Congressional briefing.

The report, “Domestic Violence Counts 2013: A 24-hour Census of Domestic Violence Shelters and Services,” examined a random day, September 17, 2013, and collected information from 1,649 domestic violence programs throughout the United States from midnight to midnight on that day. It identifies needs that were met and unmet on that day and provides a snapshot of how budget cuts are affecting the staffing and resources of these organizations.

Key findings include this data from September 17, 2013:

66,581 domestic violence victims and their children received services.

More than 20,000 calls to domestic violence hotlines were answered, an average of more than 14 calls every minute.

More than 23,000 individuals were educated on domestic violence during trainings conducted by local programs.

Nearly 10,000 requests from domestic violence victims (9,641) were turned down because programs did not have the resources to provide them, including requests for emergency shelter, housing, transportation, childcare and legal representation.

The majority of unmet requests (60%) were from victims who had chosen to flee their abusers, and were seeking safe emergency or transitional housing.
“Every day in this country, victims of domestic violence are bravely reaching out for help, and it’s essential that they have somewhere safe to go,” said Kim Gandy, President and CEO of the NNEDV. “We have made so much progress toward ending violence and giving survivors avenues for safety. But continued program cuts jeopardize that progress and jeopardize the lives of victims.”

When program providers were asked what most likely happens when services are not available, 60% said the most likely outcome was that victims returned to their abusers, 27% said the victims become homeless, and 11% said that victims end up living in their cars.

The research also shows initial impacts of the new guidelines in the Affordable Care Act, which require healthcare providers to screen patients for domestic violence and refer victims to services. Data collected for this study shows that since these guidelines have been in effect, there has been an 18.5% increase in referrals received by domestic violence programs; a number that experts predict will only increase as the ACA takes full effect.

The number of unmet needs is related to the financial resources of these programs. In 2013, 1,696 staff positions were cut due to funding reductions, an average of 1.2 staff per program. Of the staff that were cut in 2013, 70 percent were direct service positions, such as case managers, advocates, shelter staff, and child advocates.

This is the eighth consecutive year that NNEDV has conducted its Domestic Violence Counts census, funded in part by the Avon Foundation for Women since 2011.

“The Census demonstrates that the demand for services has remained discouragingly and consistently strong. But unfortunately, programs that address the needs are experiencing cuts. 27% of the reporting organizations experienced cuts in government funding, 12% had cuts in private funding, and 10% reported reduced individual donations. These critical programs must be resourced adequately if we are to save lives and reduce partner violence,” said Carol Kurzig, President of the Avon Foundation for Women.

At the briefing, speakers included: Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT); DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Executive Director Karma Cottman; a survivor of domestic violence, Melissa Skelton; NNEDV President and CEO, Kim Gandy; and Avon Foundation for Women President Carol Kurzig. Speakers urged attending Members of Congress and their staffs to provide an additional $40 million in funding to support domestic violence programs through the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act and $147M for the comprehensive criminal justice response to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking through the Violence Against Women Act.

The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), a 501(c)(3) social change organization, is dedicated to creating a social, political and economic environment in which domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking no longer exist. As the leading voice for domestic violence victims and their allies, NNEDV members include all 56 of the state and territorial coalitions against domestic violence, including over 2,000 local programs. NNEDV has been a premiere national organization advancing the movement against domestic violence for almost 25 years, having led efforts among domestic violence advocates and survivors in urging Congress to pass the landmark Violence Against Women Act of 1994. To learn more about NNEDV, please visit

About the Avon Foundation for Women
The Avon Foundation for Women, the world’s largest corporate-affiliated philanthropy focused on issues that matter most to women, was founded in 1955 to improve the lives of women. Through 2013, Avon global philanthropy, led by the Avon Foundation, has donated more than $957 million in more than 50 countries for causes most important to women. Today, Avon philanthropy focuses on funding breast cancer research and access to care through the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade, and efforts to reduce domestic and gender violence through its Speak Out Against Domestic Violence program.

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One Response to “Nationwide Survey Reveals Urgent Need For Increased Funding For Domestic Violence Service Providers”

  1. thecoveringcircle Says:

    the recent cuts that will and is affecting women who are victims of domestic violence remains a paramount issue. many of the 40% women who do not contact NNEVD for assistance falls through the gap, and becomes news. how do we sound the alarm to those women who are at times culturally afraid to speak up, so that they do not become a statitics. the other question is where would these crucial programs be resourced to? at present current workers at DV are stretched, and not only those working directly with dv but other social service agencies have cuts and is overwhelmed with these cases, how can we adequately service these fragile women and children effectively. with the influx of more funds re-hiring of those workers that is crucial to improving the lives of these families, and lessening the abuse with more education. .

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