ST. LOUIS –Throughout the corn-growing season, farmers across the Midwest will battle corn rootworms. Now there is a new tool to help them combat this yield-robbing pest. Genuity® has launched a free application (app) available for iPad® device users that helps farmers assess their risk for corn rootworm pressure and provides field-specific recommendations for the farmer.
This app was designed by Monsanto insect management technical development representatives, product managers and technical agronomists and is the first app to provide users with valuable information related to rootworm risk and active pest management for the current season.
“After watching corn growers battle this damaging pest season after season, we saw a real need for this kind of app to assist farmers in making management decisions in real time,” said Tom Eickhoff, agronomic systems lead for Monsanto. “In addition to proven Genuity trait performance and in-field experts, this free app is another great resource for our farmers.”
The Genuity Rootworm Manager app allows farmers to do a field-by-field assessment that considers several important factors to determine the threat from corn rootworm to the crop. The Genuity Rootworm Manager app uses several crop and corn rootworm metrics to evaluate risk of plant injury from corn rootworm, including field location, pest population and previous crop and pest management history.
“This tool follows proven pest management recommendations for scouting, practicing crop rotation, utilizing dual modes of action when planting and suggesting specific insecticides based on crop type,” says Eickhoff. “Plus this app allows the user to set alerts, take custom notes, access scouting reports and share results via email.”
For more information, visit or visit the iTunes® App Store to download.
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Monsanto Company is a leading global provider of technology-based solutions and agricultural products that improve farm productivity and food quality. Monsanto remains focused on enabling both small-holder and large-scale farmers to produce more from their land while conserving more of our world’s natural resources, such as water and energy. To learn more about our business and our commitments, please visit: Follow our business on Twitter® at, on the company blog Beyond the Rows at, or subscribe to our News Release RSS Feed.
Individual results may vary and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible.
Always read and follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Genuity® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2014 Monsanto Company.
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