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CHICAGO — GE Capital, Rail Services announced today it is delivering 875 tank cars that meet the 2015 Safety Appliance Standard to customers. GE Capital is one of the first lessors to offer tank cars that comply with the Association of American Railroads (AAR) Safety Appliance Standard S-2044 that was adopted by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) in February. All railcars manufactured after January 2015 will be required to meet this new standard.

The new Safety Appliance Standard, which includes improvements to handholds, ladder treads, sill steps and running boards, is used by railroad personnel and shippers during operations and varies by car type. The new standard is intended to make railroad procedures such as operating hand brakes and switching operations safer for employees performing these functions.

“The changes in the safety appliance standards will positively impact the industry overall,” said Joe Lattanzio, president and CEO of GE Capital, Rail Services. “Worker safety is always a top priority for all of us in the rail industry. We knew our customers would want cars with the new safety appliance standards as soon as possible.”

Gerald Chalko, senior engineer for GE Capital, Rail Services, was part of the task force that the AAR and the FRA formed to establish the new Safety Appliance Standard. ”These new standards have improved ergonomics that help to address worker safety concerns by providing more natural and stable positions for personnel,” said Chalko.

About GE Capital, Rail Services
GE Capital, Rail Services provides specialty financing with deep rail industry experience and a highly diversified equipment portfolio. A leader in the industry with over 100 years of experience, Rail Services offers a variety of railcars as well as repair and maintenance services throughout North America. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter@Rail_GECapital.

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