British ELLE has created a ground-breaking, futuristic new office. This center of collaboration allows the 42-person team to “hot-desk” in a revolutionary glass “fashion cupboard” and is an extension of ELLE’s innovative 360-degree workflow.
The ELLE Fashion Cupboard content hub, a virtual space that last year helped drive the magazine’s Facebook following to over 2 million likes, is the center of ELLE’s content creation every day and is now a physical reality in ELLE’s central London offices.
Since last October, when we implemented hot-desking—the ability to occupy a different desk each day—our productivity has increased tenfold. We are on deadline for print and digital and we have been able to be more reactive on a daily basis. The award-winning editorial team is the first luxury fashion magazine group trained to produce content across all ELLE U.K. brand platforms, from mobile to print, on a 24/7 basis.
Alongside the new space came a new staff structure. I created new roles: workflow director, content director, and one dedicated digital-only role—digital director, which is a strategy and analytics role—but other than that, the team works on every part of the brand. The environment has encouraged a really creative process where everyone’s ideas are relevant and everyone is multi-skilled. I think I am the only editor in chief in the industry without an office—I sit daily with my hot-desking team.
The entire ELLE team, from sub-editors to heads of department, is trained in CMS, analytics and SEO to generate and upload content. Everyone works across print and digital in our one-team approach. Top-line managers were trained first, and in turn, they trained their teams, creating a collective responsibility for all ELLE content.
“The authority of the print team across the site has engaged consumers and clients in an even greater way than we initially hoped,” says Workflow Director Christina Simone.
Since we created a fully integrated team, with all the editorial team generating digital content on a daily basis, we have seen a 30 percent increase in desktop traffic, a 108 percent increase in mobile traffic and a 52 percent increase in online revenue.
The ELLE team works on laptops and uses Bluetooth and AirPlay to stream’s Google Analytics and Chartbeat to two big wall-mounted screens. This set-up encourages everyone to feel responsible for driving traffic.
Once a week, the team holds an all-staff conference, talking through plans across everything, from mobile to magazine. Instead of a just a small number of people on the editorial team seeing the pieces that define the season and, as a result, the print product, now the entire team is aware of our editorial direction and future plans. This informs decisions in a “hot-desk” environment.
A look inside the ELLE U.K. Fashion Cupboard
The Fashion Cupboard is also used for sponsorship activity, in the form of sponsored rails and other clever commercial content, for which the market is being sold for the first time. We also hold trend presentations with external businesses in the cupboard, from entertainment to technology teams.
The ELLE office build was fully funded by advertisers. Louis Vuitton officially opened the ELLE Fashion Cupboard in November of last year, with a host of merchandise-based activity and a Fashion Cupboard pop-up at high-end U.K. department store Selfridges.
ELLE’s expert fashion and beauty teams curate daily fashion and style content from the cupboard directly to ELLE’s Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook followers, giving the consumer unprecedented and exclusive access behind the scenes of one of the world’s busiest fashion cupboards.
And, for the first time ever, we are able to showcase non-fashion and beauty content in the Cupboard. Our forthcoming book club launch will feature ‘shelfies’: guest-edited lists from contributors, shot in the ELLE Fashion Cupboard. Moreover, we host ELLE Running Club events in the space and shoot beauty product linked to our new ELLE Insider subscriber club.
Online, the concept for the ELLE Fashion Cupboard is to bring the consumer and commercial partners closer to the magazine. It’s an innovative idea to sell commercially and engage the consumer, driving her to the print and digital products. Last year, the #ELLEFashionCupboard and #ELLEBeautyCupboard had a total combined Twitter reach of 371 million. It is content you can only get at
The ELLE team has also built the Fashion Cupboard’s own playful online ‘pop-up’ on both mobile and desktop—a live-feed automatically refreshed every 45 minutes. Consumers shake ‘bubbles’ on their mobile phones to repopulate the content, which includes fashion, beauty, social media and an aggregated ELLE Instagram feed.
This is a modern, innovative office with a playful and useful feel, which is what today’s consumer expects. Our content is linked across all platforms and that keeps readers closer to the brand in challenging newsstand times. And we work much faster and more efficiently as a team. The atmosphere in the office is upbeat and collaborative.
ELLE 360 is providing a template for ELLE teams across the 44-edition strong network. Several foreign editions have visited the office with a view to adopting aspects of the workflow. (British ELLE is the number one syndicated edition globally.)
This is a brand rapidly evolving to fit with the consumer’s new way of consuming media, and our mission is to change consumer behavior, rather than reflect it. We have created an environment where excellence is expected and our goal is to be first and best across all our platforms. This way of working is enabling us to do that.
This news is courtesy of
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