MOSCOW, Russia – The Dow Chemical Company (NYSE: DOW) has officially launched a new sustainable agriculture program in Russia to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by implementing more sustainable farming practices and healthier seed crops, which will also promote better food choices for consumers in Russia. As the Official Carbon Partner of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, this innovative project is part of the Company’s “Sustainable Future” program to mitigate the direct carbon footprint associated with the hosting of the Games by the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee.
Traditional farming practices include the use of heavy machinery for deep tilling of fields each year which consume fuel, cause long-term soil erosion and lead to substantial GHG emissions. Dow Seeds, a unit of Dow AgroSciences, is deploying leading technology in Russia and engaging with local farmers to encourage low-till agriculture and other sustainable farming solutions to reduce the negative impact on the environment, while also enabling the production of healthier crops.
Dow is partnering with Farmer’s Edge (a world leader in precision agronomy) and ADVAG (a leader in Russian Agriculture Management) to work with five large farms: “Shatsk Zolotaya Niva” LLC (AgroTerra), KFH “Baigora”, “VAPC” LLC, SKPSSK “Izmalkovskiy” and “ADVAG – Baltic Farms” LLC. The program will provide access to state-of-the-art precision agriculture and advanced expertise to optimize farm productivity of Nexera™ hybrid canola seeds while focusing on more sustainable practices, such as reduced tillage, optimized use of nutrients and variable rate application of fertilizer.
The partnership is set to last for two years, and has the potential to eliminate up to 100,000 metric tons of GHG emissions at these five farms combined over a 10-year span. The emissions reductions will count toward the mitigation of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games’ direct carbon footprint, estimated to be up to 360,000 MT.
“The project will demonstrate to the Russian Agricultural Industry how yields can be increased and optimized using more sustainable farming practices,” explains Dr. Nicoletta Piccolrovazzi, Sustainability and Technology Director, Dow Olympic Operations. “Advancing sustainability while enabling increased production of healthier oils is a very significant way to connect Dow’s ‘Sustainable Future’ program with the very values of the Olympic Movement, which combine the environment with the promotion of healthier lifestyles.”
Holistic Approach, Amplified Results
In addition to minimizing emissions, low -till farming has positive effects on the entire ecosystem, keeping existing carbon based materials in the soil rather than emitting them into the atmosphere. Maintaining higher carbon content in soil improves water retention, reduces the need for additional irrigation and decreases soil erosion. By increasing soil resilience, crops become stronger and better able to resist weeds and pests, therefore reducing the need for additional pesticide and herbicide applications. Avoiding overuse of fertilizers also decreases the emissions of nitrogen oxides, or gases with extremely high global warming potential. A resulting healthier ecosystem will lead to higher crop yields, ultimately benefitting the local economy.
This program also improves the quality of crops produced. Dow is focusing on rapeseed (canola), aiming to reduce Russia’s dependency on oil imports in the long term and promoting the use Omega-9 canola oils, which are low saturated fat oils for healthier food production. The seeds to be introduced by Dow are bred to work particularly well with reduced tillage practices, producing higher yields and, therefore, more efficient farms.
Training for farmers is another key component of the program, which focuses on mastering low-tillage practices to achieve higher crop yields, and using water and fertilizers in an optimized way. The training programs started in December of 2013, and a technological map and special guidelines will be developed for each farm to support the implementation in early 2014.
“Innovation and sustainability are part of our core as a Company. We feel these specific training programs have the potential to bring lasting, positive change to Russia’s environment, agricultural sector, and overall economy,” said Igor Savinskiy, country leader for Dow Seeds in Russia. “Enabling greenhouse gas emissions reductions that will support the climate goals of Sochi 2014 is a very special way to celebrate our 40 years presence in Russia.”
Contributing to more sustainable Olympic Games
As The Official Carbon Partner of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, supporting sustainable agricultural practices is just one piece of Dow’s “Sustainable Future” program, a unique and innovative program to mitigate the direct carbon footprint associated with hosting the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games. Dow is collaborating with partners and customers in Russia to implement energy-efficient and low-carbon technologies that will result in a net decrease of GHG emissions in the key areas of infrastructure, industry and agriculture. All projects will be implemented in-country, generating benefits to the Russian economy by targeting upgrades in building infrastructures, farming practices and industrial processes.
“As The Official Chemistry Company of the Olympic Movement, we are in a unique position to advance sustainability beyond the Games and catalyze change globally through the excitement generated by the Olympics,” said George Hamilton, vice president, Dow Olympic Operations. “GHG emission reductions are happening in Russia as we speak, thanks to the low carbon and energy efficient technologies introduced through this unique sustainability program tailor-made by Dow for Sochi 2014.”
This Press Release is courtesy of
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