WASHINGTON, D.C.—The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Partnership for a New American Economy, American Farm Bureau Federation, Business Roundtable, AmericanHort, Western Growers, and the National Association of Manufacturers today urged Congress and the administration to work together to enact immigration reform during a Day of Action with events in Washington, D.C. and in more than 60 congressional districts across 25 states.
The national press conference in Washington, D.C. featured leading business association CEOs discussing the critical need for immigration reform to drive job creation and economic growth in the United States. Local events across the country, including, among other states, Arkansas, California, Indiana, Illinois, Louisiana, Minnesota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin featured representatives from state and local employer associations, state farm bureaus, local businesses, and other industry leaders. The coordinated events aim to show that, across industries, sectors, and geographies, the business community needs our immigration laws to be modernized.
“While our lawmakers are deadlocked on this issue, business leaders are more determined than ever to fix our immigration system,” said Thomas J. Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “We need meaningful immigration reform to revitalize our economy and to remain a nation ruled by law, guided by principle, and driven by compassion and common sense. We’re going to continue to make the case in the nation’s capital and in every corner of this country, and will use every tool and resource at our disposal. We’re not going to let up until the job gets done.”
“Immigration reform can immediately make our businesses and workers more competitive and should be done as soon as possible,” said Business Roundtable President John Engler. “Our respective organizations understand the impact a broken immigration system is having on America’s economy and are committed to reform that boosts economic growth and job creation and brings best-in-the-world talent right here to America.”
“Our problems will not run away from us – it is time we face them head on and do the hard work necessary to make immigration reform a reality,” said NAM President and CEO Jay Timmons. “It’s good for our economy, critical to innovation, and at the core of who we are as a nation. Manufacturers will not give up until immigration reform crosses the finish line.”
“The effect of inaction on immigration reform is devastating to the fresh produce industry and consumers. We rely on people to plant and harvest the nutritious and domestic supply of food for Americans and for export. Many of these workers are unauthorized, but are willing and able to do the work. It’s been demonstrated many times that Americans won’t work in the fields, so why won’t our elected officials provide us the means to have a legal, reliable workforce? If no solution is provided, production will continue to move overseas along with the jobs agriculture supports in rural communities across America,” said Tom Nassif, president and CEO of Western Growers.
“The need for immigration reform is not going to go away – and conservative leaders and business owners from every corner of the country agree,” said Jeremy Robbins, executive director of the Partnership for a New American Economy. “It’s time for leaders in Congress to listen to their constituents and do what’s best for our economy: pass immigration reform now.”
“As a nation, we can’t afford to continue with an immigration system we’ve long outgrown and is working more and more against our overall national interest,” said Bob Stallman, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation. “We urge Congress and the administration to work together and with us to achieve real immigration reform that addresses the needs of farmers, the economy, as well as the country’s need for border security.”
About the National Day of Action for Immigration Reform
Today, a coalition of leading business groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Partnership for a New American Economy, American Farm Bureau Federation, Business Roundtable, AmericanHort, Western Growers, and the National Association of Manufacturers launched a Day of Action for immigration reform. These compelling business voices are best positioned to speak on why immigration reform is in our national interest: we need changes to our immigration laws in order to drive job creation and economic growth for our country.
Despite a stalemate in Washington, business leaders are more united than ever, and we are not giving up on the importance of fixing this problem. We join today to deliver the message to the administration and members of Congress that immigration reform is an economic imperative. In order to drive this message home, we coordinated a Washington, D.C. national press conference with events in more than 60 congressional districts in 25 states – all in a single day.
Today’s national press conference highlights leading business association CEOs talking about the need for reform. The in-district events feature state and local employer associations, state farm bureaus, local businesses, and industry leaders. The goal is visible activity across the country, including, among other states, Arkansas, California, Indiana, Louisiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Minnesota, Illinois, and Wisconsin. The coordinated events aim to show that, across industries, sectors, and geographies, the business community needs our immigration laws to be modernized.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business federation representing the interests of more than 3 million businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions, as well as state and local chambers and industry associations.
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