Post Type: BOOKS
About the Book The Israelites were freed from bondage in Egypt through the leadership of Moses the servant of God. They did not leave Egypt in a disorganized manner but were harnessed in orderly ranks as a family of tribes. The reasons for this order were for relaying instructions, leadership, advancement, warfare, and blessings. Under […]
Every entrepreneur hates spending valuable time plugging away at administrative tasks. While you didn’t start a business for the tedious day-to-day work, those frustrating tasks are necessary for keeping your company afloat. The good news is that you can delegate, outsource, and automate nearly every administrative task that’s stealing your time away from the projects […]
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2021 continues to be an “exceptional” year, in just about every conceivable way. From elections to epidemics, we’ve seen events and situations during this calendar year most of us have not seen in our lifetimes… and that most never expected to see. While it might be foolish not to acknowledge the unusual aspects of 2020, […]
Home-based businesses are wonderful options for seniors looking to bring in income in a safe and comfortable environment. Most require only a small amount of capital upfront and pose little or no challenge for retirees with mobility issues. Whether you already know what kind of business you’d like to pursue or are open to options, […]
Post Type: FACT SHEETS Download PDF
The spread of Covid‑19 and the measures to contain it are having a significant impact on the UK and many countries around the world. Activity has fallen sharply since the beginning of the year and unemployment has risen markedly, both domestically and globally. The unprecedented situation means that the outlook for the economy is unusually […]
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Food And Agricultural Organization While food security varies among islands, many concerns are shared. The pressures on SIDS are compounded by high costs for energy, infrastructure, transportation and communication. These have contributed to the current complex food security and nutrition situation, with SIDS facing a looming health crisis from the triple burden of malnutrition (where undernutrition, […]
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The role of cities and local governments in responding to the emergency Year of publication: 2020 Place of publication: Rome, Italy Pages: #6 p. ISBN: 978-92-5-132401-1 Author: FAO Publisher: FAO Agrovoc: infectious diseases; Coronavirus; urban areas; food systems; local government; support measures Abstract:Cities, with their high population density, are particularly vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic […]
We have gone through some annual cycles of Economic Empowerment Expos where we exhibited products and services at E3. This year as we started preparing for E3 we had a divine interruption. In the past our strategy was to seek exhibitors from the public to patronize the event. This year however, the Lord had us […]
Post Type: BOOKS
The common midlife story for many people on earth today is often that of shattered aspirations, broken dreams and hope deferred. Our human nature, endowments, community, natural resources, fault lines and creator altogether constitute the design of how we prosper in life. Developing an insightful relationship with the visible and invisible world around us is […]
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Counseling (sometimes called psychotherapy or talk therapy) is an intervention to help people who are experiencing emotional or behavior problems, or people who have a mental health disorder. Counseling can help improve their mental well-being and engage interpersonal relationships in a way that facilitate the process of change. In most kinds of counseling, the person […]