It is hard for a young mother with a disability to function effectively when they are challenged with so many disadvantages. In NYC there are many mothers who are struggling to stay ahead of the rising stigma of having being labelled as having a disability? What is a disability, by whose definition are we in this time is labelled with the term having a disability. With so many new diagnosis it is often disheartening to hear someone who you know is labelled with a diagnosis. And with this labelling comes stigmas, in qualification for certain benefits that would be deemed appropriate by some standards. With so many labelling how CDO we help our mothers to climb out of the hole they sometimes find themselves in. Do we help to carry on the labelling, or do we work with the individuals on a one to one case, in overcoming the barriers set up by others whose role is to label. We as a society states that we want our young mothers to be more independent, but with the rate of so many young mothers growing, how do we separate the need and the want of society to change their focus on family dynamics. Each of us play a part in how we look at our young mothers, do we judge or do we help, do we have solutions, or criticism. As the covering circle seek to address the growing number of mothers who are now in the system with the labelling of having a disability. We focus on the individual, and not one who society deem as having a disability which prevents them from functioning. There are many people with disability who are able to work a job, have children, function effectively with the limitation of a disability. Many do not back down from a challenge, they dare to be different. The covering circle DARES to be different, we challenge those who say you cannot, and we say you can, with support, faith with action a young mother can achieve her dreams of taking care of her family, by holding a full time job. As part of the covering circle mission to assist young mothers who have been disenfranchised from their family, or society; learn to achieve their goal of working, having their own space and learning new skills so that they will be able to function effectively as a mother, and also to share with others who are in a similar position. Paying it forward to someone else, can help to foster the dream of another. Dare to be different, challenging the status quo, looking inward and making a change that will benefit another without looking for a reward. This can also show your child or children that doing for others that you can care for others even if others have not always shown it to them. The covering circle will not discriminate anyone who comes into our facility with a disability either to work or learn… The Covering Circle/ Mandee Bread Basket will assist any employee or mother who require the services of The Center for Disability Rights, Inc. offers a vast array of services and supports for individuals with all types of disabilities, regardless of age or income. The Covering Circle Mandee Bread Basket is a facility where everyone is treated with respect and kindness regardless of age or gender.
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