Post Type: BOOKS
The common midlife story for many people on earth today is often that of shattered aspirations, broken dreams and hope deferred. Our human nature, endowments, community, natural resources, fault lines and creator altogether constitute the design of how we prosper in life. Developing an insightful relationship with the visible and invisible world around us is the key to a meaningful, fulfilling and enduring impact. The story of Joseph in the scriptures unveils his unique insights by which he made a significant impact on his world as well as the inevitable transitions that most people have to go through from divine promise to physical manifestation. These three phases of transition in Joseph’s life were: the Pre-Manifestation era of his life that is prior to his appointment to the palace, the Manifestation period when Joseph became Prime Minister and Egypt experienced abundance for seven years and the Post-Manifestation era characterized by seven years of drought. We find several examples of this pattern in the scriptures that paint a similar picture:
While we go through the wilderness experience of our calling and destiny, the first question is: what should we be doing in preparation? The scripture tells us that Israel was delayed in the wilderness for forty years when they could have possessed the Promised Land after a forty day journey. An entire generation died on the way not being able to inherit the promises of God so it was their offspring that possessed the Promised Land.
After conquering territories in the Promised Land, some Israelite communities were unable to hold on to their inheritance and remained victims of oppression from their heathen neighbors. The question here is: how do we conduct ourselves in order to hold on to our blessings?
In the story of Joseph we see his influence extended beyond the borders of Egypt as people from several nations were impacted by the wisdom of God evident in his life. The question here is: how do we enlarge our coasts and expand our influence when we come into our season of prosperity and God makes a way?
…Read more in the book ‘Manifestation Plan’ by Kenneth Walley available for purchase at and other online bookstores.
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